The Way To Eternal Life

Only faith in Jesus will save you!

“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God” (Ephesians 2:8). This verse means that through faith, you have been delivered from judgment and made partakers of Christ’s salvation. It is not a result of your efforts but a gift from God.

Romans 6:23 further illustrates the saving power of faith: "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." This scripture reveals that, through Jesus Christ, we can all escape the captivity and penalty of sin and receive the gift of eternal life.

Let me share with you a powerful story of salvation. In Luke 7:37-50, a woman was a sinner. One day, she stood at Jesus’ feet, weeping uncontrollably. She began to wash His feet with her tears, drying them with her hair and kissing them. She then anointed His feet with expensive ointment from an alabaster box. Although her sins were many, Jesus forgave her. He told her that her faith had saved her and she could go in peace.

If you are not a believer today, I encourage you to give your life to God so that you can experience His everlasting joy and be assured of eternal life.

4 Reasons why you need Jesus                       

  • You are a sinner, separated from Jesus.

  • You are spiritually dead.                   

  • You are condemned by God.

  • You will left up your eyes in hell after you die.

How to get Eternal Life?

  • Confess that you are a sinner.

  • Believe that God raised Jesus from the dead.

  • Accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior.

  • Ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins and save you.

When you would have said these words, you are now a child of God. As a result, you will get eternal life.

Faith nugget: Salvation is the most precious gift and the best experience ever.